Mr. Potter has done it again, he's managed to break almost every rule in the book, and not get expelled from Hogwarts for yet another year! Harry, Hermione, Ron, the usual cast of characters, as well as some new characters appear in book three to grace us with the latest enthralling episode of the life of Harry Potter.
Once again, we see poor Harry's miserable life with the Dursleys while he waits for the next term at Hogwarts to begin. Harry accidentally causes his awful aunt Marge to blow up like a balloon after she continually taunts him throughout her visit. Needless to say, this does not go over very well with Harry's guardians! Harry decides that anywhere is better than staying there, so he grabs his trunk and heads off on foot. As Harry is angrily running away, he senses that he's being watched, and he is... Harry finds himself being observed by a very large black dog; as he backs away and stumbles; suddenly the Knight Bus appears just in the nick of time to whisk him away to the Leaky Cauldron.
Once Harry finds himself back among wizarding folk, he discovers that Sirius Black, the man apparently responsible for the death of his parents, has escaped from azkaban and is now after Harry to kill him too. Because Siriuis is on the loose, azkaban prison has sent Dementors (scary, azkaban guards that literally suck the happiness out of you) to stand watch over Hogwarts. It is discovered that these terrible creatures have a unique effect on little Harry. Also, new to the Hogwarts scene is professor Remus Lupin, the newest Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor. He proves to be a wonderful ally to Harry throughout the tale.
As the year progresses full of homework, classes, Quiddich matches, and all sorts of mischief, Harry finds himself haunted by the Dementors, the Grim (an omen of death that appears as a large black canine), as well as the threat of Mr. Black's dark desire to kill him. Throw in a magical Marauder's Map that shows all of the secret passages in and out of Hogwarts as well as where everyone is in the castle, and I would hazard to say that you have a fairly exciting and entertaining premise for a story! Once again, Ms. Rowling whisks her readers away to a universe where the "norm" is far from normal and where natural laws only apply sometimes.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3) (Hardcover)
As was true of the previous Harry Potter book, this one too is a little darker than its predecessor. It really is true that this series "grows along with it's readers." I think Ms. Rowling has done a great job of weaving a tale that always has you on your toes or the edge of your seat, depending on whether you are standing or sitting... There is always a way around a situation, a possibility to make things happen that isn't possible in the muggle world, an animal
I hope you have a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year!