It is the story of 15 year-old Christopher, who is quirky to say the very least. The story begins during one of his late-night wandering spells, Christopher discovers that his neighbor's dog, Wellington, was murdered. Christopher loves animals; he feels like he relates to them better than he does to humans. He determined to become a detective, in the same vein as the great Sherlock Holmes and discover who killed Wellington. Christopher's mother passed away a few years previous, and he lives with his father in a small English town; he goes to his school, likes the color red, hates the color yellow, and wants to sit for his A level maths test (something like AP math here in the States). He worms his way into your heart through his tale. It's true!
Although the story is written as Christopher's book about being a logical and observant detective, it also includes a look at his everyday life. In some ways he's very organized and methodical, and in other ways, he's total chaos. For instance, as a child he made a timetable for his toy train set to follow, but he totally flies off the handle if someone touches him. I cannot emphasize enough just how much this character not only LEAPT off of the pages, but also how much I want to hug him. (No, I've not TOTALLY lost my marbles, I'm just lacking in the creativity department today. Not enough coffee, I suppose...
I read in Mr. Haddon's bio that earlier in his life, he had spent some time working with autistic children. It really shows through in this book that he understands them. Because it's a narrative, you really get a glimpse of what it must be like inside one of those kids' heads. I realize it's a work of fiction, but it is still really neat to read.
I seriously cannot think of one negative thing about the book! I did have some difficulty in understanding a few of the English terms like, A level maths, but that is no fault of the author. I realize it's not a lot of fun to read a review with nothing in the "Cons" column, but I really really really enjoyed it and have been recommending it to all of my friends.
Please, taste and enjoy!