Monday, February 8, 2010

Dean Koontz - "Forever Odd"

 Hello Again Friends,

     I've just finished the second book in Dean Koontz's "Odd Thomas" series.  As you can see, I am currently in the throes of many an author's series.  It's a good place to be!  I generally am not one for horrific or scary in any form, but Mr. Koontz does a good job of keeping the reader on their toes, and the pages turning.  Some of his other books ("Hideaway") are a little too full of gore for me, but "Odd Thomas" and "Forever Odd" were more suspenseful then gory.

     Once again our hero, Odd Thomas, is faced with a group of homicidal maniacs who put into jeopardy, ones he loves.  I enjoy the way Odd's character is written to be humble, humorous, and heroic without meaning to be.  He has the special gift of seeing the lingering dead and through it is able to sometimes solve or prevent a crime.  The chase that ensues in this novel keeps the reader constantly wondering "what will happen next?"

                                                   Forever Odd (Odd Thomas Novels)

     Dean Koontz weaves a plot thick with psychotic killers, Elvis, bomb threats, the supernatural, and the need to keep a dictionary close.  He is truly a master of description, and he uses the perfect vocabulary to do so.  I recommend this book and the series that surrounds it to anyone looking for "something different."  Kootz's books are generally pretty morbid (as is this one), but in this series, the focus is Odd, not so much simply the macabre.  Odd's personality, naivete, and depth of character, not to mention his adventures, are enthralling!  I hope you too fall in love with Odd Thomas.

As always, more to come.  Keep reading!

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